Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why are there so many unanswered questions?

  • Why can't men hold open doors for little girls on crutches?
  • Why can't heavyset be beautiful too?
  • Why do men have to smoke, drink and cuss (preferably at the same time) to be cool?
  • Why don't people walk up randomly and compliment someone?
  • Why is it weird to have a best friend of the opposite gender?
  • Why can't you have more than one best friend?
  • Why do people hate other people for their beliefs?
  • Why can't brown eyes and brown hair be just as beautiful as blue eyes and blonde hair?
  • Why is there racism?
  • Why do people twist other peoples' words?
  • Why do people get offended so easily?
  • Why do women have to look a certain way to be acceptable?
  • Why do too many people lose faith?
  • Why doesn't anyone care enough to ask if you're really okay?
  • Why do people lie?
  • Why isn't forgiveness more important than having the last word?
  • Why aren't people more careful with sarcasm?
  • Why don't people think before they speak?
  • Why do things fall apart when they were so good to begin with?