Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dear guys;

Tonight, I was watching a Christian comedian and pastor. I've been learning to be the woman of God that I need to grow into if I ever want to have a chance at a marriage or even a chance at any kind of friendship. The respect part is probably the most difficult for me, because although I deeply respect most of the men in my life, I never let them know.
There's three of you in particular that I gotta write something to:

You're super awesome. I don't give you enough respect for the position you hold, and I apologize for that. I know that I've known you for years, and you're really more like an older brother, a best friend, than a pastor to me and it's a hard barrier for me to jump over, but I should work on it. I deeply respect the love you have for the Lord, your faith, and your desire to help the students.
You've changed my life, really. And I can't thank you enough.

I treat you like, for lack of a better word, crap. I don't let you know how much I've appreciated everything you do for me. But believe me, I'm super grateful. I've watched you grow so much since just January, not even a year ago! God's shaping you into a great person, don't worry about his methods! His plans are different than ours. I'm getting off track, but my point is that I'm proud of you!
I love you. God has great plans for you. Keep going.

Oh, this one's a hard one. You know me, I'm used to winning. But tonight, I'm not gonna win, so it's okay. And I know, I've apologized for this before. But I rip into you, more than I would like. Most of the time, I'm kidding. And I know you know it. But I also know that I overdo it. I think I'd probably hate you if you teased me as much as I do you.
Honestly, I'm super happy to have met you. God's going to make you into an amazing man. You're already a great kid, and I'm impressed by how much you've allowed the Lord to do through you.
Thank you for always being there with a scripture, I love that. And I won't doubt you when you say you'll do something anymore. ;)

Love, love, love, love, loveee,


Ian Taylor said...

Phoebe, don't ever change =). I don't know what I would do if you showed up and the first thing out of your mouth wasn't some kind of playful teasing....I think I might die of shock honestly haha. I know it's all in fun and I never take it to heart so don't worry about it. It's a privilege to be your friend and I am so happy I met you too =)