Thursday, September 16, 2010

I just came to talk for a while, got some things I need to say;

Dear friend who always cares,
You build me up.
You make me so happy. I can't even tell you, no matter how many words I say, how much lighter I get when I'm around you. It's because you listen. You may not always understand, but you listen. You let me scream, vent, cry, yell, and be my depressive self, but that smile never leaves your face even when my anger lashes out at you for no reason.
You're always there, even when you think you're not. You crack me up, even if it's something that no one else in the whole world would laugh at. Worries and stress go running out the window as soon as you come around.
A thousand thank yous wouldn't be enough. You're different. I don't know how you do it, but you give me so much hope that there's actually good people out there who care and don't pass by when they see someone in pain.
Love, the little me who loves you. :)

Dear friend who blames,
You break me down.
You're not fair to me. Every time we have problems, it's always clearly my fault. You make me feel like a very screwed up, worthless individual when you get in one of those moods. You put me through cycles that I should have been over years ago. You've pushed me back to the edge that I turned away from so long ago, and made me have to run away from it again. It's so hard to have to go back there.
But guess what? I have worth. I am fixed. Jesus paid it all.
But I know you can be a good friend. I've seen it. I know how awesome you are. I know how much God loves you and how much I love you. It's funny how that works. It's funny how I know you might be the only person who can really understand.
You've helped me in the past, why are you ruining it now?
Love, the little me who still loves you.