Monday, September 20, 2010

Know you didn't bring me out here to drown;

I love this song, Storm (by Lifehouse). And no, Dewey, I don't care how much you pick on me for loving Lifehouse. Last three lines of this song totally relax me, no matter what.

I know everything will be all right
everything's all right, yeah
everything's all right.


Ian Taylor said...

Those may be my favorite lines of any song ever written...did I get you hooked on this song by any chance? Or have I ever told you how much I like it?

Unknown said...

Haha! Taylor, you can't help but talk about this song. :) And you got me hooked on this song for sure.

Ian Taylor said...

Whoa! do you know Phoebe? haha you're right though, I love this song!

ThatGirlSmiling said...

Yess, you did get me hooked. You're the one who showed me this! :)

Unknown said...

Haha not yet! But I've heard a lot about her :) We have mutual friends. Haha

Ian Taylor said...

I thought so, but wasn't sure =).

@K, haha ok well you will have to meet each other some time =)

Unknown said...

Yes! I'd love to meet her! :D