Saturday, September 4, 2010

So I was thinking of something amusing to post while working today;

But the last thing I want to do right now is laugh.

Today, I was working family swim. Just another long, hot boring shift. I was giving this little girl a swim test and I hear a huge crash. Sounds like... I don't even know. A semi breaking apart? Turns out, an airplane had crashed just down the road.

So here's what I know:
Rae was sitting in her chair and these ladies came out to the pool and sat right in front of the gate we use for emergencies, to bring the ambulance in. She was thinking, "I probably should tell them to move so the ambulance can come in". She had a feeling something was going to happen, but she thought it would be in the pool. Ryan turned to look at her and they both heard woosh-woosh-woosh and the crash and saw smoke go up like a pillar. One of the ladies on the pool deck actually saw the crash.
I was still in the frickin' pool. I didn't even hear the woosh, all I heard was the crash. I had no idea what was going on. I saw the splash pad go down and I thought maybe something had broken in there.
To make a long story shorter, it wasn't the splash pad. We closed the whole YMCA due to power outage. An ambulance drove away with lights but no sirens (for anyone who doesn't know, that usually means the victim is dead). A helicopter came and airlifted someone else. Gratefully, that most likely means they were alive, I just hope they're still alive.
As to what caused the crash, how many people are actually dead, whether any cars were involved (the plane crashed directly on 92), or how many survivors there are, I have no idea. If I find out, I'll post again.
It was so close to the Y, that could've been us. The patrons, the lifeguards. Us. Thank God, everyone at the Y is safe, as far as I know. I'm so freaked out right now, I can't really even talk and I feel all weak. It's no easy thing to see something like that.

Bottom line? Pray. God is our best healer.