Tuesday, October 5, 2010

You alone, Oh Lord, make me dwell in safety;

My friend, and now coworker is really sick, guys. He was sickish last Friday, he looked horrible last Tuesday and now he's bleeding internally. He lost 8 pounds in as little as two days. The doctors don't know what it is. He's been to the hospital, and he really should be in there now, but he can't sleep so his parents took him out. They're checking for cancer now. Cancer?

And this kid is awesome. Everybody at work likes him. He's 16, so healthy, so athletic. He did beach lifeguard training, first responder training and all that. And if you don't know, that course is insane. It's hard. I couldn't do it. He's a good kid, too. He's really nice, and he always smiles, even when another coworker is treating him unfairly. I love working with him.

So, if you're reading this, you are the resistance.

No wait.

I mean, if you're reading this, please pray.

(Psalm 4:8) "I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, oh Lord, make my dwell in safety."


Rae said...

I'm praying for him girl!

Unknown said...

Aww man.... I'll be praying. :(

Ryan Webster said...

Praying for him. Is he a Christian?

ThatGirlSmiling said...

Yes, he is. And he doesn't have cancer! He has colonitis? Or something like that they said.
All he has to do is take a bunch of meds and change his diet and he'll be better in a few days.
Praise God! :)