Sunday, October 3, 2010

This is what you were made for;

So I watched a video tonight with an abortion survivor (Gianna Jessen) speaking about her experiences. And although she said many, many amazing things, I'm going to take some of her quotes "out of context" really fast and use them to my own advantage. ;)
"Men. You were born for greatness.... What kind of man do you want to be? A man obsessed with your own glory, or a man obsessed with the glory of God?"
I love this. I know in our culture women love to beat men down, myself included. I also know that men, from the beginning of time, have not been living up to their gift of greatness. Greatness, to some of you, means nothing more than wanting to be the biggest fish in the pond. Greatness–in God's eyes, in the only eyes that matter–is being obsessed with His glory. And also, to protect and fight for the women in your life, to honor them and not to abuse them in words or in actions.
"Women... you were made to be fought for, forever."
Women, so many of us have forgotten what beauty it is when we are fought for! Not fought over, fought for. To be protected, to be reminded what value and worth we have as daughters of a King. To be defended by the guardians God made for us. This is love! What love God has for us in that he gave us a much more powerful partner to be the strength and the leader that I know I personally can't be. You were not made to beat yourself down, nor were you made to lower the men in your life below the standard God has already set for them.


Unknown said...

I LOVE that video... oh my word. It's so good! What an amazing story.

Ian Taylor said...

Kaylee, you and Phoebe would get along sooo good, you really have to meet each other sometime soon.

Great post Phoebe, I love that video too, and even though they are taken out of context the quotes are very relevant and a good reminder =)