Friday, October 1, 2010

Dear Empathy;

(OhHey!)Warning: You're not going to understand this post. Just saying. Unless you're a) a girl. And b) exactly like me, you're not going to get what I'm saying.
It's a ramble.
So be prepared.

So, I have discovered that I'm somewhat of an empath. A bad one, to be sure, but I am. What the heck is an empath, you ask? Ahem, definition time: Empath (n.) "An individual marked by an acute sensitivity to the feeling of others". Interesting no? No, Phoebe, this is stupid. No, I have a reason for this, really. (Okay, maybe not. Maybe I'm trying to figure this out and this post is the only way I have of doing that.)

So, the good sides to being an empath: Well one is that I can relate to people, most of the time. Even if I've never been through the exact same thing, being able to pick up on emotions and stress almost makes me feel like I have, if that makes any sense.
Also, I can tell when enough is enough. Example: Jokes. Sometimes they go too far and the person really does get offended. I usually drop off or try to change the subject if I see that happening.
Strong emotions, I pick up on very quickly. It's how I've made my closest friends.

And the bad: I allow everything to influence my own emotions and stress. This is why I'm not a good empath. Every emotion that gets filtered through my seemingly hard shell hits my ravaged brain and oops! I start feeling exactly how the person I just talked to is feeling. If they don't like a certain person, I start having doubts about that person too. If they are feeling depression, bad things ensue.(This latter part is especially dangerous to me. You know what I'm talking about.) This is why I'm attracted (like, as in, attracted attracted) to guys who can cool their emotions, at least more than I can.

But I think the good outweigh the bad. (Supposedly I'm a good lover and/or friend for life? But literally crushed if my trust is abused. According to stuff I read about empaths anyway. Interesting.)

I just took up a whole post talking about myself. I feel conceited now. Awesome.


Rae said...

I love you Phoebe! You have helped me through so much crap, and I wouldn't be the girl I am without your help! Your a great influence, and your like another big sister to me! <3