Friday, October 15, 2010

My medicine;

I just want a Danny hug.
A Dewey hug would be amazing too. :)


Rae said...

this makes me happy/sad

Ian Taylor said...

Now I know you only hang out with me because of my brothers....I feel so used.

ThatGirlSmiling said...

I don't even hang out with you anymore, Mr. Busy. I miss your hugs AND your encouraging!

Ian Taylor said...

I know, but in my defense, I was available to hang out and YOU had to work last it usually is me that isn't available so yeah...I'm sorry. You wanna hang out this week?

ThatGirlSmiling said...

Yeees! I have Tuesday off after school this week. :)

Ian Taylor said...

Ok cool cool. I may be working a little bit on Tuesday, but I will probably have time =). I'll call you and let you know =)

ThatGirlSmiling said...

I hate youuu. :P I miiiight be picking your little gremlin brothers up and be doing something with them. So make time.

Ian Taylor said...

*scoff* I can not believe that! No! If you hang out with one of us you hang out with all of us haha. I will be able to make time I think =).

ThatGirlSmiling said...

Hey, that's not up to me, that's up to you! It is definitely your fault when I make time and you don't. ;)

Ian Taylor said...

Haha ok fair enough :) I'm not working on Tuesday, so just let me know =)