Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dear Ladies,

If you're the least bit like me, I can assume your self-esteem is not quite up to par, right? It's not quite up there to where you can, say, call yourself beautiful. 

One thing I tried a while ago was writing all over my bathroom mirrors with whatever I could find. Lipstick, since I don't wear it anyway, dry-erase markers, etc. I wrote encouraging things, bible verses and lines from songs. Every morning, I had something nice to wake up to and look at in the mirror, and it wasn't me. But then I looked past the writing and looked at the little, out-of-shape, brunette in the mirror. And she was kind of cute. Just saying.

Another thing to try is to look at yourself in the way you've been told you look good. This is going to sound conceited, but I get a lot of compliments on my hair. And I love my hair. I really do. Because I've learned to look at it the way other people look at it. One day someone told me my eyes were really pretty. I hated my eyes before that, but now, they're okay. One of my boys, Dewey, told me I looked like Sacajawea... I decided to take it as a compliment. :) Now that little brother of mine is working on convincing me that every part of me is beautiful. And that's hard.

Work in progress.

Ladies, you're lovely. Because God said so, and I said so. <3 Remind yourself, through mirrors or looking at yourself differently, or in your own, unique way.