Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Dear Future Husband;

I feel I owe you an apology. I'm sorry that when I wake up, I won't look like a movie star. I'll be as scarred and messed up as I really am. I'm sorry I didn't take care of myself when I was younger, so I have slight brown marks on my cheeks from all the acne. I won't be able to pull off anything sexy for you, so I hope you're content with t-shirts and shorts for pajamas and chill wear. When I take my makeup off to go to bed at night, I hope you don't mind that I have dark circles under these eyes that aren't even blue. I'm not blonde and I never will be, so I hope you like brown hair. I hope you're okay with a girl that always seems to have bloodshot eyes.
I hope that when I wake you up in the middle of the night because I can't sleep, need to cry, or need to talk, you won't wish you had a quieter wife. I hope that when I argue with you, you'll forgive me and still hold me at night. I hope you'll laugh and joke with me when my nights get hard. I hope that even if you never understand my past, you'll try to. I hope you'll be my best friend.
I'm sorry that when I have babies, I'll gain weight, cry about it, and then cry about trying to lose it. I'm sorry that sometimes, I won't be a good helpmate and I'll make you feel like crap. I'm sorry that sometimes, I won't be a good mommy and you'll have to step in after a long, hard day at work, and take care of the kids. I'm sorry, I won't always have the dinner ready, or even started, when you come home. Sometimes, I'll forget to iron your shirts, and sometimes there won't be socks in your drawer. The house will get messy and I'm sorry that I really hate doing the dishes.
I won't be hot. I won't be perfect. I won't even be good enough for you. But despite everything that's wrong with me, I will love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my whole life. I'll be your best friend and we'll work through fights. I'll hold you when your job gets too stressful. I'll kiss you in the morning when you leave, and at night when you come home. I'll hold your hand, even when we get old and gray.
I can only give you love. Is that enough?


Unknown said...


Rae said...

this makes me feel likes it's bad to be blonde............ :(

ThatGirlSmiling said...

Psh. It's not, guys just apparently thing blondes are the hottest things to walk the earth. :P

ThatGirlSmiling said...

Bahahah :)
I'm really jk. The guys that actually matter don't care about what hair color you have.
You're beautiful, Rae. :) Blonde or brunette, it doesn't matter.