Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yeah, I do change the lyrics of songs to fit my life, write my own cheesy poems, make wishes over railroad tracks and on 11:11, study so hard and fail so well. I write in a journal at random moments, and if you ever read it, you'd know how silly, sappy and deep I can be. I sing really loud to songs in the car when I'm by myself. I love my kitty cat. I collect everything anyone every gives me, my room looks like a treasure chest full of special, yet "useless" things. The jewelry I wear every day, every piece comes from someone special. My notebook cannot stay free of doodles. I am hopelessly head over heels for a boy that I am pretty sure I will marry one day.
Yeah, I have dealt with depression so bad that I wanted to end my life, self-esteem so low I thought no one cared. Nights are still hard, even with the hope I so dearly hold on to. I take a lot for granted, and over-complicate everything.
But whether I live or die, I belong to Christ.
I am different.
And if that's not the kind of girl the world wants?
Sucks for them.


Ryan Webster said...

So you still have that box thing I made you a long time ago?

ThatGirlSmiling said...

Mhm! It holds letters and special things :)

Rae said...

I'll be different with you :)

Ryan Webster said... I didn't know if you got rid of it or something. That would make me sad.