Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Romans 12:15

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; Mourn with those who mourn."

This is the verse that's right up at the top of my blog. Kind of the motto? I don't know exactly, but it fits right in.

I don't exactly do so well with this verse. It's wonderful to try to make someone be happy, but I think I do it a little too much. I push the encouragement, almost to the point of telling them to stop being like that.

I think it's because I know sadness, I know pain, and I know what it's like when you fall too far. So I don't want anyone hitting that all time low, but still. I should learn to do what Romans 12:15 says.

My little brother is amazing at this. If I'm to the point of tears, he doesn't even try to say anything. He just lets me cry. And I go away feeling better than if he had tried to do a whole lot of encouraging, pep talks, whatever. And yeah, he gives me those too, but at the right times, when I'm open to listen to them.

So I'm gonna be working on learning how to do this verse. :)