Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm so tired of waiting. I waited my whole life. I met you. I couldn't have you then and I can't have you yet. And sure, maybe I can have you one day, but to quote: "Sure, we can sit and fantasize all we want about how things are gonna be different one day. But this is today. And it sucks."
I guess the fantasizing will have to be enough for today.

Hopes, you need to calm down. You know you always disappoint me.

I secretly sometimes hate it when you call me best friend. How am I your best friend when you treat me like I'm second-rate?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Dear Future Husband;

I feel I owe you an apology. I'm sorry that when I wake up, I won't look like a movie star. I'll be as scarred and messed up as I really am. I'm sorry I didn't take care of myself when I was younger, so I have slight brown marks on my cheeks from all the acne. I won't be able to pull off anything sexy for you, so I hope you're content with t-shirts and shorts for pajamas and chill wear. When I take my makeup off to go to bed at night, I hope you don't mind that I have dark circles under these eyes that aren't even blue. I'm not blonde and I never will be, so I hope you like brown hair. I hope you're okay with a girl that always seems to have bloodshot eyes.
I hope that when I wake you up in the middle of the night because I can't sleep, need to cry, or need to talk, you won't wish you had a quieter wife. I hope that when I argue with you, you'll forgive me and still hold me at night. I hope you'll laugh and joke with me when my nights get hard. I hope that even if you never understand my past, you'll try to. I hope you'll be my best friend.
I'm sorry that when I have babies, I'll gain weight, cry about it, and then cry about trying to lose it. I'm sorry that sometimes, I won't be a good helpmate and I'll make you feel like crap. I'm sorry that sometimes, I won't be a good mommy and you'll have to step in after a long, hard day at work, and take care of the kids. I'm sorry, I won't always have the dinner ready, or even started, when you come home. Sometimes, I'll forget to iron your shirts, and sometimes there won't be socks in your drawer. The house will get messy and I'm sorry that I really hate doing the dishes.
I won't be hot. I won't be perfect. I won't even be good enough for you. But despite everything that's wrong with me, I will love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my whole life. I'll be your best friend and we'll work through fights. I'll hold you when your job gets too stressful. I'll kiss you in the morning when you leave, and at night when you come home. I'll hold your hand, even when we get old and gray.
I can only give you love. Is that enough?

Hey you.
Marry me.

I bleed my heart out just for you;

Don't do that. It makes me wanna marry you. :)

Just a few more years, darling.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

You know that one day (or week, or month, or whatever period of time) that you keep thinking something, and you know it’s bad/wrong/horrible/degrading and everyone would hate you if they could read minds? You know those days when you pretty much hate yourself for that one thing that keeps running through your mind, but no matter what, it will not leave? You know those times when you’ve tried so hard to stop, but it just keeps coming?
Make it stop. Please. I am not this person.

I hate how unstable I am.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I love him.

Tom: "You're my best friend, you know that?"

ain't no sunshine when he's gone;

it's not warm when he's away.

I don't want this.

Weak is okay.
Weak is good.
I am weak.
It's okay.
2 Corinthians 12:9

Monday, December 27, 2010

Is there any way that I could stay in your arms?

You're cute.
I could think of a lot of nicknames for you.
There are a lot of things I would love to say to you.
But no matter what you are to me in the future,
the best You will always be
My Best Friend.

Skype lost connection.
I miss my best friends.

When it all becomes too much, you're never far behind;

My birthday is in a week and I still haven't figured out anything to do. :/

Some people wonder why my posts aren't exactly steered towards the good of humanity.
My answer? It's good for my humanity. I need somewhere to let it all out.
Unfortunately, I can't quite do that here, but I can do a good amount of it.
So, be chill with it. It's mine. I put what I want. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Everything I am is tied to grace.
The good, an overwhelming amount.
The bad, a lack of faith in it.
I'm still working on making the former overcome the latter.

Zumba'd myself into an asthma attack. That's cool.
Thank God for new inhalers.

Cheesecakee. <33

I need to make myself waterproof.

When I look at you, I can feel it.
Oh, that's why I'm still waiting. <3

Marry Me.

Today and every day.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas night. Rockin' my pjs from my best friendd. Nomming on leftovers. Playing my favorite board game. Sneezing my life away.
Best Christmas everr.

In the words of my best friend: "Jesus all day erry day". <3

Today, I realized that if I love the Lord with my whole entire heart, it's too strong for stupid people to break it.
Best. Day. Ever.

Friday, December 24, 2010

I want to go to bed. Everything looks better in the morning.

My heart is sinking but there are no tears.
I guess that's okay.

P.S. to anyone who's reading this;
If you're happy. If you're sad. If you're broken. If you're messed up. If you're jumping up and down in anticipation for Christmas tomorrow. If you love your family. If you just can't get along with your family. If your hair is any color of the rainbow. If you have brown, blue, green, gray or any other color eyes. If you're married. If you're dating. Single. Waiting. If you're okay with where you are in life. If you're not okay with it. If you love dogs and hate cats or vice versa. Even if you hate both. If you think you're pretty or handsome. If you don't think so. If someone gives you butterflies. If that someone was someone you didn't expect. If it's your best friend. If no one gives you butterflies. If you're glad no one gives you butterflies. If you wish someone did. If you're angry. If you're sad. If you're a girl. Even if you're a boy.

You're beautiful. And it'll be okay, I promise. Keep holding on.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I feel like I should have a whole lot to say. But I don't really have anything to say. Except, I have an amazing God and he has gotten me through today with no breakdowns. Not even over something silly like not being able to find something, which seems to be such a frequent occurrence with me. He got us here safely. I have time to rest for about a week and a half, and maybe get my bloodshot eyes to go clear again. That would be cool. And umm... what else? Oh, I love skype. <3 And I love my aunt who is coming tomorrow! :D So excited to see her.
I'm hungry, wtc? I just ate dinner... like three hours ago.
Oh yeah and p.s. I miss him already and it's been 25 hours. :/ But it's okay, 'cause this will go by fast, and I'll be all the more excited to see him smile. :)

Hey Darling;

I hope you're good tonight. <3

Best. Song. Ever. VV

Joy, Joy!

Finally chilling at my late great-grandparents' house. Just being here is cool, but there are so many places in this house I've never been. Guess I have to be adventurous and go exploring.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday.

I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you.

I know one thing; that I love you. <3

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

loljk, a roach just crawled across my bed. I have to change my sheets and then try to fall asleep after that.

Finally done with my boys' present. Going to bed, then going to see them in the morning. <3

Ryan Alan Webster;

We've definitely had our ups and downs, and we've fought, and we've definitely considered not being friends anymore, but right now, it's all good. We made it. We did it. 
Happy birthday, bestie! <3

Tom: "Ugh, $2.99 for gas. I hate everybody."
Ahahah <3. ^My best friendd.

Survivor: Nicaragua!! :D

Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm super happy. Nbd. :)

Waiting for you could end up being the best or worst decision of my entire life.
I hope it's the best.
It will be the best.

You're pretty much the best thing that ever happened to me. Just saying. <3

I hate my phone.
Trying to listen to a voicemail three times. THREE TIMES. And it shuts off every. time.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Of course I think of something I want when my birthday and christmas are already too close.
^^THIS. Imma have to buy it for myself.

My enemies retreated; they staggered and died when you appeared.

See, this is what happens when you cross my mind.
I get all silly.
And cheesy.
And honestly, I like this part of me that you bring out so well.
We'd be cute.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

So Imma take a shower, and then come up with a cute story in my notebook.
kNightyWorld. :)

Because one day,
we'll be cute.
Like this:
Or this:
Or even this:

Imma marry you.

kgreat. :)

What is my problem?

and I promised you I wouldn't.
and so.
I don't.

there once was a little girl;
and sometimes she was lonely.
and sometimes she was happy.
and sometimes she didn't know what she was.
she loved roses.
and hearts.
and the ocean.
and pretty things.
and she hated
and the dark.
and things that made her cry.
one day
she met
a little boy.

she knew
one day
she would
and the little girl was
not lonely anymore.
she was

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ugh, I totally deserved an A in my speech class.


I will settle for nothing less.

Quite frankly, you're amazing. And waiting for someone like you is totally worth it.

3 A's so far, and two B+. Which, knowing how well I usually do in math and science, that's amazing. Just one more grade hasn't been posted (Speech).

But it's looking good. :)

Oh, empty my heart, I've got to make room for this feeling.
So much bigger than me.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

At the moment, I'm so content that I'm not even impatient for the things I'm waiting for.

You may need me to carry all your weight; but you're no burden, I assure.

What I thought would be one of the worst days of my life turned out to be one of the best days I have ever had.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I can't do it. I can't.

Finals to study for:
- Math D:
- Science :(
- Humanities :/

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Okay, I don't know if it's just stress or what. But I feel like I'm about to have a fever at night, then I wake up and I'm fine.
Stress plays with my mind and body. Awesome sauce.

Yeah, I do change the lyrics of songs to fit my life, write my own cheesy poems, make wishes over railroad tracks and on 11:11, study so hard and fail so well. I write in a journal at random moments, and if you ever read it, you'd know how silly, sappy and deep I can be. I sing really loud to songs in the car when I'm by myself. I love my kitty cat. I collect everything anyone every gives me, my room looks like a treasure chest full of special, yet "useless" things. The jewelry I wear every day, every piece comes from someone special. My notebook cannot stay free of doodles. I am hopelessly head over heels for a boy that I am pretty sure I will marry one day.
Yeah, I have dealt with depression so bad that I wanted to end my life, self-esteem so low I thought no one cared. Nights are still hard, even with the hope I so dearly hold on to. I take a lot for granted, and over-complicate everything.
But whether I live or die, I belong to Christ.
I am different.
And if that's not the kind of girl the world wants?
Sucks for them.

He knows that goodbye means nothing at all, comes back and makes him catch her every time she falls. <3

Monday, December 13, 2010

People couldn't believe what I've become.

I've been freezing all day long, and now finally, I can return to my most amazing best friend ever: my warm bed.
I love you, bed. <3

To the next DJ who plays "Just The Way You Are" on the radio: I am going to find you and beat you.

To be honest, I just don't want to do this anymore;

It's really surprising how much stress can affect my thinking.

You're the sound of the people singing, it's Your Love.

Secret #24;

Sometimes, all I can really think about is how much better everything would be if I was doing it with you.

Really wish my Tommy was over here doing this stupid test with me, but hey.

There he goes, so perfectly. The kind of flawless I wish I could be.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

You tide me over, with a warmth I'll not forget.
But I can only give you love.

Church with my buddy, work with my favorites, drama with the Cast, bible study with the bestfriends, hot cocoa with my bubbas.
My. Life. Is. Awesome.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thought of something for my best friend's birthday next Saturday! I'm a genius.

"I just haven't met you yet!"

I used to love this song.
Then I met you.
I've met you, you just don't know it yet.

Hate. Shopping.

So darling, save the last dance for me.

To be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, December 10, 2010

I have the ACT in the morning and I totally forgot.

I'm gonna die.

I never got to say goodbye to him. How on earth am I going to get through this christmas in his house?

I'm just a puppet on a lonely string;

So I'm writing a speech on communication problems in the workplace.
And as I'm pondering this, my English two teacher is telling me how her speech class gets to have an oral final, with the topic being saying good-bye in relationships. AND they get the guy who won Hell's Kitchen, the TV show, coming in to make their class a celebration meal.
I remember hating her English two class.
But holy cow, that sounds like so much fun. I wanna go back and do it again.

December never felt so long;

Only one more week of school, but this may prove to be the hardest week of all.
We shall see if I make it out sane.
Or alive.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Oh. Kthanks.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Water's getting harder to tread;

I'm not everything you've ever wanted;

I'm not flawless and I don't laugh all the time. I don't have everything going for me. I don't have clearly defined talents. I don't look good in everything. Sometimes, I'm not that friendly. I get extremely sensitive when I'm tired. She's got everything that I have to live without.
But I am something. And admittedly, I'm not that bad.
His power is made perfect in my weakness.
Beat that.

You don't need a catchy song, 'cause the kids will sing along when you shoot it with a smile.

Hey little caterpillar;

Such a pretty caterpillar
I know that you're gonna be
a beautiful butterfly someday.
But I dunno if that's gonna happen,
because I have decided

To feed you to the fire ants!

I hate boys. Why are they so hard to find presents for?
And why do I have like 6 of them to buy for? :(

'Cause when you feel like you're done, and the darkness has won, baby you're not lost. <3

My Bear is coming home the 23 + I'm leaving the 23rd = I hate my life. :(

Remember those walls I built? Well baby, they're tumbling down.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tried to watch Inception on Apple TV, but it kept getting stuck. :( I like DVDs so much better.

"See you in the morning––Maybe! I don't know!"

If I could believe, the dreams aside, I am capable of more than it seems.

Marry her or marry me, I'm the one that loves you. Baby, can't you see?

Monday, December 6, 2010

When Barrett Nowell Nugent prays, the world gets about 10x brighter.

I just don't wanna do this anymore. I have a perfect day, and then at the end, it all falls apart.

You always find a flaw in me.

I'm not trying to be disrespectful. And if they read this, they're gonna kill me, but I'm not trying to be any more of "bad kid", I'm just saying. My curfew is 10. Clearly, if I haven't called to ask if I can be later, I'll be in at 10. Please don't yell at me. Kthanks.

Revolutionaries wait for my head on a silver plate. <3

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Some days I don't feel like trying. Some days you know I wanna just give up.

These butterflies just don't go away. :)

Just when I think I'm gonna give up;

There you go makin' my heart beat again, heart beat again, heart beat again.

I need you, Jesus. Come to my rescue.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Just stay strong.

Lost two of my math lessons that took me FOREVER (and I get extra credit for those, too!). Spilled my drink on all my science papers. Haven't gotten around to my rebuttal speech for debate. I'm all scratched up from putting up Christmas trees, and it hurts! Made people mad today. Had a huge bout of discouragement last night.
But you know what? I'm happy. And the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Man, I suck at life.

I can't even go a day without hurting someone or making someone mad. Awesome.

I was hoping to get some homework done today.
Yeah, right.
Naptime! :D

Happy Birthday, Mommy! <3


^Tree number onee^
 ^The gold tree^
 ^Tree number two^
 ^Outside tree^
 ^Tree number three^
^Downstairs tree^

Tree number 3. Man, that took all day.

Tree numbaa 2 up, but not finished yett.

Tree number one up! Bring on the sneezing.

Maybe I was naïve, got lost in your eyes.
I never really had a chance.

Dear Future Husband;

I know this is very silly, and quite cheesy too. But to be honest, I can't wait to cook and clean and iron your shirts and give you babies and take care of you when you're sick and be your helpmate and... just everything.
So please, hurry up. I know I'm only 17, but I've waited my whole entire life for you. That's a long time.

When I didn't know what I wanted, there was a blaring opportunity for something good. I turned it down in favor of something better.
But now, when I know what I want, there's nothing to turn down.

Friday, December 3, 2010

My sister, my Bear, and my Rae encourage me. My kitty cat warms up my bed for me. My Mama cooks yummy food. My little sunshine is precious. My big sunshine and his best friend are just plain fun to be around. My little brother always wants to make sure I'm okay.
Yeah, I have a good life.

"You know what? Your name means 'bright and shining'. It fits you, 'cause you are like a little sunshine walking around. Wherever you go, you light up the room and bring a smile to everyone's face."
Love my Bear. He gives me hope.

But I have hope.
Seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness.
And all these things will be added unto you.

I'm not giving up.
But I've waited. And watched. And prayed.
I'll keep doing it, as long as it takes.
But how much longer do I have to wait?

Let Love be your guide.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Computer, play my movie!

I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.

Be a best friend,
tell the truth
And overuse "I love you".

(Taylor took Danny's spot. Danny glares at me.)

Me: "Snugglebug! I'm sorry, that was Taylor!"
Danny: "No. You threw me under the bus. So now-" (sits down by Lila) "-I'm throwing you under the semi."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

They are definitely the best. :)

There's pretty much nothing worse than not understanding.
Because right now, not only do I not understand Spanish, Math, or Science, I also don't understand why.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

the moonlight shows us for what we really are.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

i can't.

Not this again.

Monday, November 29, 2010

My favorite picture from yesterday. :)

Money, fame and fortune never could compete.

P.S. guys, I suck at christmas gifts. I don't even know what to get anyone. :/

It's only a half-joke. Sometimes, I wish you knew that.
But most of the time, I'm glad you don't.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

You've got me out here in the water so deep.

This week was so encouraging. I know we can't live off of spiritual "highs" and we have to be careful about living a faith by feelings, but times like these are so uplifting.
Our God is healer, awesome in power.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

if i wake up tomorrow, will you still be here?

The only thing I miss right now is being understood.

Bestie, I love you.
And I miss this.

I'm happy.

   Do I have problems? Yeah. Does it seem to me like my life sucks sometimes? Yeah. Do I feel blamed for things I shouldn't be blamed for? Yeah. Do I sometimes feel like the one who gets nailed on if I dare to so much as release a tear? Yeah. Am I jealous of some people? Yeah. Do some people/things make me cry sometimes? Yes.
   But I'm happy. I have a great life. I know who my real friends are, and these select few are more than enough. I have a newfound brother figure in Christ visiting, even though he's leaving tomorrow, I know I can call or text him if I need it. There are people who make me laugh, and when I'm laughing, everything gets just that much lighter. I have a best friend (Tom) who rarely texts me, but when he does, it's always at the right time. I have support, even though I thought maybe it was wavering for a minute there, it came back. My sisters give me hope every day. I'm waiting on the Lord for an answer about a really, really great guy. (And thank you, God, it doesn't appear to be moving toward the "no" direction.)
But more importantly, I have joy from Christ.
And that would be why I'm still alive.
So don't call me negative.
With Christ, I will always bounce back.

it gets hard but it won't take away my Love.

College application essays? Biggest lies ever.

Our God will not be moved;

Our God will never be shaken.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Nights are usually the worst times for me. But not tonight.
Tonight, the Lord showed me that He truly is King.
And tonight, I am truly content to be a Princess.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What more do I want?

I've all but begged.

That's it.
I'm not doing that anymore.

I'm going to spend tomorrow with people I love. People who care.
That gives me hope.

Day 9;

Two movies I absolutely love:
1. Singing in the Rain
2. Princess Bride.
If you haven't seen those, or don't like them? Yeah, you're a sinner.

Going to see Rachel tomorrow!

I miss you, lady! Can't wait until you're home to stay. :)

Maybe for you;

There are things I'd like to say to you;

But honestly, I don't know how.

In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart, I have overcome the world.
This is what I'm thankful for.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

If it kills me.

Day 8;

Three Favorite Cartoon Characters:
1. Marvin the Martian. Best. Ever.
2. Roger Ramjet
3. Sullivan (Monsters Inc.)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 7;

Four songs that describe my life right now:
1. Little Wonders- Rob Thomas.
2. Falling For You- Colbie Calliat
3. Apologize- One Republic
4.No Matter What- Kerrie Roberts

Monday, November 22, 2010

This is what we do when we're supposed to be studying;

I'm texting Rachel. He's being weird.
Perfectly acceptable.

My sisters never fail to remind me just how awesome my life really is.

Day 6;

Five things I can eat every day:
-Chicken Spaghetti. Yum.
-Saltine crackers.
-French bread. Gah, so yummy.
-This is not technically eat, but Dr. Pepper. :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My smile? It's for people like you. People like you who feel like they're falling. People like me. So that when you see who I really am, you'll wonder why my smile is still real.
And I'll tell you, it's still the cross.

Just for the record, I don't believe in fake smiles or happiness either. 
I believe in making them real.

Day 5;

Six of your favorite books:
-The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
-Bruchko by Bruce Olson.
-Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor
-Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
-In The Presence of My Enemies by Gracia Burnham
-When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy

Winnerss. :)

Teammates on a scavenger hunt at Disney. 
Man, we were tired.

Ian: "Hey, Lila, you'll like this song, since you're anti-romantic."

And: "I have my Dad's back, and my mom's face... unfortunately."
^^The things this kid says. He's gonna get beaten one day.


Day 4;

Seven people who inspire me and why:
-Mama. She is such a godly woman and a fantastic Mom! I wanna be just like her.
-Aaron. He has taught me so much about the bible and the Lord over the years.
-Jolee. She makes me wanna be just plain awesome.
-Bear. Again, such a godly person in my life convicting and teaching me.
-My sisters. They make me want to lead a good life so I don't teach them to do all the bad things I've done.
(Aaand people I don't know)
-Gianna Jensen. Holy cows, this woman is incredible. Go look her up on youtube.
-Gracia Burnham. Yes, this woman is also amazing. Wrote a book called In the Presence of My Enemies.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 3;

Eight places you want to visit:
-Maryvill TN. (Miss you, Hannah!)
-Aaand. Hm. Israel. :)

Day 2;

Nine things I can't live without:
-My lovely Mommy and Daddy.
-My sisters
-My brother
-People. I would simply waste away if confined to solitary.
-Water, duh. No, but for real, I love swimming as much as I love drinking. :P
-I guess I could live without him, but I wouldn't want to have to. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I think... I think I got this.
With you by my side I will fight and defend.

You're not alone, together we stand.
Keep holding on.

I want this to be my one consuming passion.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I can't do this.

Why did I ever think taking four semester classes and one quarter class was a good idea?
I have no idea what I'm doing in half of my classes. Mom's not here to help me.
I'm so stressed and frustrated, even the medicine isn't helping.
I would love to quit right now.

realizing that you have no idea how to do something is one of the most depressing things in the world.

oh, that just made my day.

if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

Day 1;

Ten things I wanted to/wanna be when I grow up:
Want currently:
1. Mommy
2. Wife (actually, probably this one first. :P)
3. Speaker
4. Writer
5. Anything else pertaining to a family. :)
6. Police officer
7. Medic
8. Nurse
9. Lifeguard (hey, I did that one!)
10. EMT
Dang, that was actually really hard.
I just noticed that I really, really wanted to go into medical until I realized how much math and science there is. :/

Challenge? Yes. :)

Day 1: Ten Things You Wanted/Want To Be When You’re Older
Day 2: Nine Things You Can’t Live Without
Day 3: Eight Places You Want To Visit
Day 4: Seven People Who Inspire You, and Why?
Day 5: Six of Your Favorite Books
Day 6: Five Things You Can Eat Everyday
Day 7: Four Songs That Describe Your Life Right Now
Day 8: Three favorite Cartoon Characters
Day 9: Two Movies You Absolutely Love
Day 10: One Quote That Describes Your Life Right Now 

You can't really see how crazy it is, buuut this is my hair with no work done.

This would be why I often fry it at 350 degrees. :P

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I hate it when people say no one cares.
Not that I never say that.
But, I promise, someone cares.
I happen to be one of these someones.

Someone cares. <3

I am so flawed.

Scars all up in there. I used to hate all of me.
But you changed my mind.
I like my flaws.

My mind goes;

"you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. You."
And I gotta go, "stop that, mind. Think about something else."

It's like nobody realizes that mental scars can be deeper than physical ones.
2 Corinthians 12:9

Monday, November 15, 2010

Secret #23;

I love all the little things. <3

College applications.

Kill me now.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I. Am. Golden.

I just need to believe it.

Little brother, you changed so much about me;

And all of it for the better.
Let me help you now?

You say you know.

But I don't really think you do.
I'm just another number to you.

I don't think my teacher realizes how hard it is to find recent motivational speeches.

Lila: "I'm gonna call my husband baby. I don't think he'll like it, but I still am."
Me: "Imma call mine that, and he's gonna like it!"

We're silly. :)

Can't find my kitty cat. :(

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm just hanging on.

I love them.

I'm so easy to blame.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Holy cows, I have a lot of why, what's ups to do. I'm going to bed.

I got around to cleaning two bathrooms, the kitchen, the living room, the downstairs... but not my own room. Wow.

House, why is there so much of you to clean? :(

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Missed 11:11

This? So hard.

I'm going home, back to the place where I belong;

Where your love have always been enough for me. <3

Secret #22;

I know you're trying to help;

But honestly, this is good for me. It's teaching me faithfulness, trust, and prayer. It gives me something to hope for when it seems like everything else isn't worth it. It gives me a reason to smile, even on the worst days ever. It's teaching me to lay what I want at the feet of Jesus and allow him to do his work.

Please don't discourage me.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Unconfidence" is contagious.

Be confidence.
It's also contagious.

Thank God one person notices.

There are so many people I'd like to say this too;

So hey you;

Secret #21;

Stress? You might say that.

I hate how I break down over the slightest little thing. 
Math is not something to cry over.
Neither is science.
Neither is not being able to put your seatbelt on.

Your laugh?

Best sound ever.

Secret #20;

People like you are hard to find. <3

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

They say there's a place where dreams have all gone;

They never said where, but I think I know.

Why does my last semester at this school have to be such a pain?

Monday, November 8, 2010

How will I ever be enough?

Laughter, that's so part of her;

It's something we haven't heard, in such a long time.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My God knows me when no one else does. Amazing. <3

Human Bio next semester with two of my favorite people in the world. :)

Woo hoo!

Home from work!
No more work until Friday?
Boo. :(

Some people thought I wouldn't wait as long as I have;

Sillies. They should see the way I still look at you.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Today was too nice to worry about that.

I hate it when he says something that makes him mad and I don't know what to do because I'm in the middle of it, and honestly all I want is to not fight and be cool with both of them. Not that I'm trying bs my way through anything, I really do want to get along with both of them, preferably at the same time.
Gah, being a peacekeeper? Yeah, overrated. From a human standpoint, anyway.


It's chilly;

But who cares? Good day with some of my favorites. :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Can't sleep. I hate it when this happens.

Something I realized;

When someone's unhappy, they can't stand to see other people happy.
Nor can they stand to see other people unhappy.
Not because they understand, but because they think no one's problems can be as big as theirs.

When someone's happy, they enjoy having other happy people around.
They can also care for the not-so-happy people because being happy makes them more compassionate.
In short, happy people are encouraging.

So be happy. :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Christ is my smile.

Someone has too much time on their hands;


My Chill Pill;

You? Best thing ever. :)

My Life is Average
Love Gives Me Hope
Gives Me Hope
Six Billion Secrets
Best websites ever? Yes. :)

You give me hope. Every single day.

At school, waiting for mama to pick me up :)

Very happy.
Very much at peace.
Very ready to be this way for eternity.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Meeting you?

Probably the single most amazing thing that ever happened to me.

Dear Eminem;

I love you. <3

Pour it all over!

Hey boo :)

Every time I get this text, I smile.
I miss you, Rae. Come home. 

I hate science;

Makes me feel like an idiot.
I'm not.
But it sure makes me feel like one.

Maybe you never know;

I am a Princess on my way to my throne.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Okay, I'm calm;

You win, Lord.

When you come home;

No matter how far, 
run through the door and into my arms
It's where you are loved, it's where you belong
And I will be here, when you come home.

All this;

I need that one best friend who knows everything. 'Cause all this. It's hard.
I feel like saying this is wrong when I have Jesus.
But honestly, and after a talk with someone I consider a spiritual leader, I was made to fellowship with other human beings.
That's why I don't go live by myself in the mountains.
God made me this way.
It's not wrong.
But it is hard.
Especially when they're best friends, and I know I'll never be as close to them as we were.
Especially when some people don't need this.
Especially when I need criticism and also help.
Especially when it's times like now.
When I feel like it's wrong to say this.

What do I do?