Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So you may have noticed that I barely post anymore.
So this is my official bye-bye to this blog, at least for now. I may start up again in the summer, but for the rest of this school year, I won't be posting in here any more.
Thanks for following me, guys. <3

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I think the better part of today will be spent watch the Incredible Hulk, cleaning my room, and eating candy.
My life is awesome.

Sour patch kidss. <3

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sister got me a falling whistle for my birthday.
Loveee. <333

Monday, January 10, 2011

So today I was at the gym;

And sadly, I didn't really work out that much. But the reason I didn't is good. Like, really good. Okay, kind of good. But I'm happy that I traded treadmill time for Jesus time.
I did spinning for 20 minutes and then went over into the kids area where my sister Kitty was. I kept feeling like God wanted me to do this survey that Pastor Aaron handed out to us on Sunday night with someone. At first, I was like no. Kitty's here. I can't leave her. But then, I couldn't ignore it. And I didn't wanna walk away from that gym knowing that I had again ignored God's call to talk to someone.
So I walked around a bit, being too nervous to talk to any of the people I considered. Then I saw this girl sitting by herself, listening to her iPod and I was like "yes! Got one." So I went over there, and asked her if I could ask her some questions for my class.
Holy crap, she gave me more than answers. I can't even go into detail about what all she said, 'cause I don't even know. She was an atheist who believed that wanting something made it happen. How did we get here? Aliens. What gives us the idea of right and wrong? The energy of the universe. I couldn't really tell her my point of view, she was so talkative, until the end. I got to share with her the facts of what I believe. The facts that Jesus was here, he was crucified, and he's here no longer. There's no body. There's nothing to prove that he was anyone but who he said he was––the son of God. She really couldn't find an answer for that. She even said straight out that I had evidence of what I believe in, while she has no evidence but continues to believe in her beliefs.
I'm not bragging about this. I actually really sucked today. I didn't do near enough prep. But I know that the Lord used my small efforts. I know Jen was thinking when I walked away. I am totally confident in My Jesus.
Just, everyone who's reading this, please pray for Jen. I'm hoping I'll run into her a lot more often.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I need stability.
Humans are the last place to look.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Senior 2011!

Yes my dears, exclusive pics that are not on my fb page. :)
My sister is an amazing photographer, so photo credit to her!

 A whole new world,
a hundred thousand things to see.

Lila: (looking at my senior pictures) Man, my camera is ah-mazing!
Me: Thanks, Lila.

I would have no inkling of 
how precious life can be. <3